The society today is flooded with people vying for likes on Social Media, hungry to taste a life (again, what is seen) of influencers. Trying to impress others, they tend to portray a life which is further from the truth. Trying too hard to create a positive impression on others, often leading to carefully curated but fragile personas, which is undeniably at the expense of authenticity. This hunger, this desire for perfection and the absence of social media authenticity can have a deep and lasting effect on their mental health and well-being.
It’s of course natural to want to present our best selves. And people do try to portray their perceived best selves in various situations, such as professional settings, job interviews, social interactions and even in romantic relationships. However, this pursuit of an impression can and does lead to a mask that lacks genuineness especially when authenticity is brushed aside.
Social Media Authenticity and Perfectionism
The pressure to conform to societal standards, driven by the fear of judgment or rejection, results in a relentless pursuit of perfectionism. This perfectionism, drives individuals to present an idealized version of themselves, stripped of imperfections or vulnerabilities. These unrealistic expectations, both externally imposed by societal norms and internally driven by one’s critical inner voice, instigates a cycle of anxiety, self-doubt, and the fear of failure. Consequently, individuals try to project an image that aligns with societal ideals rather than their authentic selves.
This leads to individuals finding themselves caught in a cycle where authenticity surrenders to the relentless pursuit of perfection. The fear of social perception as imperfect, losing ‘face’ and perception obstructs genuine self-expression. Thereby causing a disconnection from one’s true identity. Re-embracing authenticity, especially Social media authenticity, thus becomes a challenging yet indispensable journey. Some steps that can be taken to navigate this quagmire can be:
Understanding The Self
Develop self-awareness to understand the motivations and behaviors. Recognise the gap between the ideal and authentic self is the initial step toward fostering authenticity.
Challenge Own Perfectionism
Acknowledge the unattainability of perfection for mental well-being and embrace own imperfections as an integral part of humanity, allowing for genuine connections with others.
Embrace Imperfections
Rather than pursuing flawless perfection, embrace imperfections as part of personal growth. Accepting oneself, flaws and all, contributes to a more authentic and fulfilling life. Shadow work gives excellent results in this regard.
Practice Vulnerability
Openly share true thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Embracing vulnerability fosters genuine connections, building trust and authenticity in relationships.
Treat oneself with kindness and understanding. Be gentle when facing challenges, recognizing that mistakes are a universal experience.
Seek Social media authenticity
Surround yourself with individuals appreciating authenticity. Funny thing, once you show authenticity, others will follow suit easily. Authentic relationships allow for acceptance and support without the need for pretense.
Navigating the delicate balance between social media personas, authenticity, and perfectionism is a complex yet vital aspect of personal growth. While the desire to make a positive impression is natural, it’s crucial to recognize the value of authenticity and the effects of striving for perfection at the expense of genuine self-expression. Embracing imperfections and allowing authenticity can lead to more fulfilling relationships, increased self-acceptance, and a deeper sense of well-being.