Sacral Chakra (सवाधिष्ठान)

Sacral ChakraSacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra, or Swadishthan, is the second Chakra, located slightly below the navel. It regulates the energy associated with passion, pleasure, sensuality and creativity. Associated with the colour orange and having the Beej Mantra of Vam, it has the element Water and is Feminine in nature. Blockage of the Sacral Chakra could be due to strict parenting, sexual abuse, toxic relationships, religious indoctrination etc. Sacral Chakra Healing is needed when it gets blocked (or becomes overactive). This may happen due to any reason, consequently, there is a disruption in the flow of Life Force Energy. 

A blocked Sacral Chakra can lead to any or all of these:

  • Emotional numbness (For any kind of emotion).
  • Sexually impulsive or frigid
  • Very high or almost non existent libido.
  • Reproductive issues impotence or infertility etc.
  • Any kind of addiction (anything to help you feel alive)!
  • Unspontaneous and low tolerance to ambiguity.
  • Either a drama junkie or totally expressionless.
  • No creativity
  • Lower back, kidney or stomach disorders

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is the process of cleansing and energising one or more than one chakras. Chakra healing can be done by using certain modalities. Other things such as foods, sounds, smells, yoga practices and healing crystals can also help. Healing maybe followed by Chakra balancing for a more centered result.

Having a healthy and balanced Sacral chakra creates a sense of creativity, trust and expression. As a result of Sacral Chakra Healing, the innate guilt and dispassion related to sensuality or pleasure disappear. Consequently making you open to experiencing life and have passion for it.  This , in turn, makes you emotionally open while also grounded. You will also be able to enjoy spontaneity and creativity.

Some Practices That Help

Having gone through a period of unbalanced Sacral Chakra, I can recommend the following practices for you:

  1. Listen to certain Music: D or Re Note, Raga Jaijaivanti, Brindabani Sarang and Raga Marva.
  2. Chanting the beej Mantra – Vam (It matches the vibration of the Sacral Chakra). You may also try the 417 Hz music along with this.
  3. Yoga – Certain asanas (Poses) are beneficial, some of them are:-
    • Utkata Konasana, also known as Goddess Pose
    • Ardha Hanumanasana, also known as Half Split Pose
    • Prasarita Padottanasana, also known as Wide legged forward bend Pose
    • Anjaneyasana, also known as the Low lunge Pose
    • Paschimottanasana, also known as Seated Forward Bend Pose.
  4.  Eat more Orange coloured foods carrots, oranges, papaya etc.
  5. Crystal Therapy Certain crystals such as Carnelian, Citrine, Amber, Sunstone etc,  if energised and cleansed regularly can help regularly cleanse and balance the Sacral Chakra.
  6. Aromatherapy Earthy fragrances such as Ginger, Neroli, Jasmine, Orange etc help. 
  7. Try Colour Therapy You may use Orange shade colours, Peach, carrot etc. 
  8. Meditation Visualization and meditation can do wonders!
  9. Do something spontaneous Something that you would never do normally!
  10. Law of Attraction Mantras or affirmations can reprogram your unconscious thinking patterns. You can find a set of free Affirmations here.
  11. Contact a healer:  A good healer can work on you while you go about your day. You may also want to experience the near instantaneous results within yourself! 
Go ahead and try out any of the activities that you resonate with for a few weeks. You can also check which of your chakras maybe blocked from our free quiz. If you find it too troublesome, get a healer to work on you for Sacral Chakra Healing, as it would be faster and easier. 
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At Soulvyom, we are dedicated to guiding you on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and inner balance. Through mindful practices, compassionate support, and transformative services, we empower you to connect deeply with your true self and embrace a life of holistic well-being.

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